Beautiful blue sky in Hoorn, view of the historic harbor of Hoorn. This picture has been taken from the Oostereiland. The Oostereiland has a rich history! Do you want to know more about it? Book ... lees meer
Bossu-houses in Hoorn with fantastic pictures on these houses at the Slapershaven in Hoorn. The Bossu Houses are three adjoining houses. The gable stones of these 17th century houses are like a ... lees meer
The Ship-boys of Bontekoe. Inspired by the ship’s newsreel of skipper Willem IJsbrantsz Bontekoe, about a sea voyage made in the Golden Age. Johan Fabricius wrote this boys’ book in ... lees meer
On the photo the fence of the Westfries Museum. The beautiful monumental gate of this building, which closes the courtyard, dates from 1729. ... lees meer